The first date is one of the most important, for obvious reasons. The better you do on the first date the more likely there will be a second and third to follow.
I don't expect y'all are sitting around wondering how to screw up a first date, and yet I have been on quite a few first dates, and many of them were screwed up. Sure, it's funny the next day when I'm telling my friends, but while the sordid episode is unfolding,
it doesn't seem funny at all. So, in the interest of reducing future dismal dates, I've made a list of things not to do on your next first date. Please, read it carefully, and DO NOT...
1. Arrive in a car full of junk
This should be a no-brainer, and yet it happens again and again. I remember a date whose steering wheel was spattered with what looked like dry white paint. The guy explained that it was because every time he drank milk, he sneezed. Ewwwwww!!!!
2. Appear too nervous
It's all right to be considerate on a first date; it's recommended. But don't bend over backwards, don't try so hard you end up sweating, and don't forget that you are the host and your date will be happy to follow your lead. No need to be insecure--she agreed to go out with you, right?
3. Choose a bad restaurant or venue
Oh boy. Make sure the place you take your date isn't sleazy, noisy, or miles away in heavy traffic. Keep it simple. Most women of any age would be happy at a small Italian place for a first date. The important thing is that you are able to converse without too much distraction. Save your favorite punk bar for a later time, when you know each other better.
4. Appear fussy while interacting with servers
Just order the grilled salmon and move on! Don't interview the server on the provenance of the arugula. Don't send anything back unless it has a rat in it, and a live one at that.
5. Name drop or brag about accomplishments
If a woman likes you, she likes you for who you are. You don't need to make flimsy connections between yourself and Bruce Willis's ex-nutritionist to get a date's attention. Talk instead about what you enjoy doing, what you've done recently that's slightly out of
the ordinary (river rafting, wine country tours, etc.).
6. Forget to ask questions
Don't forget that your date is a person too. Yes, even though she is a female, she has a brain very much like yours and a heart and soul, too. She'd like a chance to tell you about herself. If she likes you, she'll be talking partly to make a connection, so be sure to respond when she hits a nerve in a good way.
7. Speak ill of past dates, girlfriends, or wives
It doesn't matter how astoundingly unpleasant your ex was, your current date doesn't want to know about it. She'll instantly put herself in your ex's shoes and feel some female solidarity. So, dissing your ex is dissing all women is dissing your date. Got it?
8. Ogle other women or watch TV
You'd think this would go without saying, but it doesn't. Don't ogle. I mean, if Angelina Jolie walks by, you aren't expected to ignore her. But your expression when you return your gaze to your date should be of bemusement or confusion, not unfettered lust! And if your team is playing on the TV at the pub, please do not watch it. Please. (Note that this suggestion can be ignored if your date is a fan. In that case, you've hit the jackpot. Change seats, order a pitcher, and enjoy the game!)
9. Ask her if she wants to have children
You might be conditioned to believe that all women want to marry--that they are desperate, in fact. But it ain't so. So if you think you can score faster by talking serious relationship on the first date, think again. If you really must know whether she wants
to have children one day, I can only suggest that you bring it up early in a joking manner, adding "I always say that on the first date; I find it breaks the tension," or something.
10. Agree to split the tab
If you asked her out, you pay. Even if you didn't ask her out you pay. Don't let her trick you either by offering to pay her share. This is where woman's lib does not come into a play. PAY!
11. Not try for a kiss goodnight, or more...
Yes, you should try for a kiss. There are many ways to signal a desire to give a peck. You can ask, for example. "May I kiss you good night?" might work. If she says "no," just smile and thank her for a great evening. If she says "yes," take it moment by moment. Failure to at least try for something is going to make you look like a wimp, or worse, make her think you don't like her. So risk rejection and make a little move. She'll appreciate it if she's into you, and if she isn't, well, you'll find out fast!
To review, this was not a "how to" was a list of eleven ways to wreck a first date. Review it carefully before your next one. Above all, remember that women are people too. But things that please your manly friends (noisy bars, bodily noises, wisecracks about other women) don't work on us. I hope you can put these eleven rules in play and have a good first date...or eleven!
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About The Author: Marni is widely regarded as one of the leading voices within the dating & seduction community. She says things as she sees it; success in one's social and dating life is indeed a science that ANYONE can achieve when done right. To get instant FREE access to her nono-nonsense, cutting edge strategies & techniques for success with women, just go over and sign up for her free newsletters at
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miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2019
How to get your spouse to love you again
Like the seasons, love in a relationship grows and wanes.
One of the most common myths in marriages is the belief that when the love wanes the relationship is over.
It's not.
If your spouse says 'I have fallen out of love with you,' don't panic. It doesn't mean your marriage is over. It doesn't even mean they don't love you. What it does mean is that your spouse has lost their way, or doesn't understand the many stages love and a relationship goes through.
You are being called to take charge of the situation, guide your spouse towards understanding this process, and even begin to rekindle your relationship.
The key to success is in understanding what is happening in your marriage and the role that love plays. It's very easy for us to connect losing the feelings of being in love with actual loving when it is not really the case.
After the initial thrill of romance is gone, couples often find themselves lost and confused. What they don't realize is that love is not just this heady lustful feeling that carries us away. That feeling has a shelf life. When the prospect of spending years together sets in, the correct question to ask one's self would be 'How now do I love without the initial thrill?'
We have to discover that every relationship has stages:
- falling in love,
- the honeymoon stage
- chaos or disillusionment,
- then mature love or resolution.
We are very quick to judge that we no longer love someone just because the feelings fade. With proper understanding, we can expect that even if the feeling may not be there, it doesn't mean we don't love.
In truth, love is a commitment. It is not just a feeling, it is a doing thing. A mature person loves by choice and not simply by circumstance.
The next step would be to manage your partner's feelings or lack thereof by starting with dialogue. Talk about the feelings and find out what happened, where is it coming from? There are numerous tools and methods available for a couple ' together or with a counselor/mediator ' that would help them examine their present situation. Talk to your spouse and tell him or her that the relationship deserves at the very least, dialogue.
In dialogue, let your spouse talk and you listen. There may be important things you need to learn about your spouse and your marriage. On the other hand, you can also share your own feelings about what is happening. Try not to place blame on your spouse, however, but share your thoughts and feelings by using 'I feel' statements.
In the meantime, do some self-improvement. It is never too late to evolve into a happier, more mature and more lovable person - even if it's just something you do for yourself. For all you know, this new you will be more attractive to your spouse and come as a surprise to him or her.
Finally, don't stop reinforcing your presence in the marriage. Do some positive loving acts for your spouse without expecting anything in return. These mirror your mature, positive view of what love really is. Make these acts little things. They don't have to be grand gestures.
It's the everyday things that actually build trust, intimacy and love between couples.
This article is brought to you by Save My Marriage Today.
You may be making mistakes that will jeopardize your marriage recovery! My Save My Marriage Today course has helped save thousands of marriages and is guaranteed to deliver results or your money back.
You can't afford to give your marriage 50%. You need 100% - you need the BEST, PROVEN METHODS and information now! You have to learn what it takes to save your marriage. Get the whole package that gives you REAL results... guaranteed.
You have to go to and get this life-changing course.
Because your marriage deserves better!
One of the most common myths in marriages is the belief that when the love wanes the relationship is over.
It's not.
If your spouse says 'I have fallen out of love with you,' don't panic. It doesn't mean your marriage is over. It doesn't even mean they don't love you. What it does mean is that your spouse has lost their way, or doesn't understand the many stages love and a relationship goes through.
You are being called to take charge of the situation, guide your spouse towards understanding this process, and even begin to rekindle your relationship.
The key to success is in understanding what is happening in your marriage and the role that love plays. It's very easy for us to connect losing the feelings of being in love with actual loving when it is not really the case.
After the initial thrill of romance is gone, couples often find themselves lost and confused. What they don't realize is that love is not just this heady lustful feeling that carries us away. That feeling has a shelf life. When the prospect of spending years together sets in, the correct question to ask one's self would be 'How now do I love without the initial thrill?'
We have to discover that every relationship has stages:
- falling in love,
- the honeymoon stage
- chaos or disillusionment,
- then mature love or resolution.
We are very quick to judge that we no longer love someone just because the feelings fade. With proper understanding, we can expect that even if the feeling may not be there, it doesn't mean we don't love.
In truth, love is a commitment. It is not just a feeling, it is a doing thing. A mature person loves by choice and not simply by circumstance.
The next step would be to manage your partner's feelings or lack thereof by starting with dialogue. Talk about the feelings and find out what happened, where is it coming from? There are numerous tools and methods available for a couple ' together or with a counselor/mediator ' that would help them examine their present situation. Talk to your spouse and tell him or her that the relationship deserves at the very least, dialogue.
In dialogue, let your spouse talk and you listen. There may be important things you need to learn about your spouse and your marriage. On the other hand, you can also share your own feelings about what is happening. Try not to place blame on your spouse, however, but share your thoughts and feelings by using 'I feel' statements.
In the meantime, do some self-improvement. It is never too late to evolve into a happier, more mature and more lovable person - even if it's just something you do for yourself. For all you know, this new you will be more attractive to your spouse and come as a surprise to him or her.
Finally, don't stop reinforcing your presence in the marriage. Do some positive loving acts for your spouse without expecting anything in return. These mirror your mature, positive view of what love really is. Make these acts little things. They don't have to be grand gestures.
It's the everyday things that actually build trust, intimacy and love between couples.
This article is brought to you by Save My Marriage Today.
You may be making mistakes that will jeopardize your marriage recovery! My Save My Marriage Today course has helped save thousands of marriages and is guaranteed to deliver results or your money back.
You can't afford to give your marriage 50%. You need 100% - you need the BEST, PROVEN METHODS and information now! You have to learn what it takes to save your marriage. Get the whole package that gives you REAL results... guaranteed.
You have to go to and get this life-changing course.
Because your marriage deserves better!
miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2019
Overnight Millionaire System Review – How Does It Work? Is It Safe And Effective?
Do You Want To Buy Overnight Millionaire System? Does It Really Work? Is Overnight Millionaire System Worth Your Time And Money?
Product Name: Overnight Millionaire System
Creator Name: Wesley Virgin
Bonus: Yes
Official Website:
Overnight Millionaire System Review
Almost everyone in the world thinks they can become millionaires. Without exception, they actually want short cuts to becoming a millionaire. People may pride in how they got rich and how things worked for them. You have probably been told that there is no quick way to get rich, but it’s simply not true. Overnight Millionaire System is a method consisting of a few taps to reprogram your mind, remove obstacles and combine happiness and financial abundance with life. Wesley Virgin talks about secrets that are valuable to the potential of every business person. Includes a step-by-step instruction that gives great results in a few days. In addition, it will help you restore every doubtful cell in your mind and body. It will change your life forever and renew your mind to achieve great results in debts and money.
What is Overnight Millionaire System?
Overnight Millionaire System is a series of digital resources that show how to change your life and approach to achieving extraordinary wealth. It contains many videos and textbooks that can help you financially. This system is the great research and experience of the manufacturer. It has full 5-set of overnight mindset hacks audio line that will help you to manifest.
The guide provides a step by step hacking plan that ensures significant results within a short period. This helps to fix the thought of self-made millionaire directly into the brain. This guide also aims to continually improve the vibrations of well-being even during sleep. It is an effective formula that supports emotional development without hesitation. Without spending money, you will use this mind hacking system that provides a source of wealth.
How Does Overnight Millionaire System Works?
Overnight Millionaire System provides the consumer with a spotlight and gives him the tools needed to achieve better in many ways. In this guide, the present includes specific goals that you have in the future. It encourages you to work successfully. This part is based on many details as you start generating multiple wealth streams without actually spending money. It gives you all the positive energy you need for your body and mind. It creates a visual picture of past and future events. In this way, you can analyze things that help you behave. As you set the radio frequency, you set the law of attraction for you. This is a quick and useful source of information that can help you achieve great things every day.
What Will You Learn From Overnight Millionaire System?
- You will also receive this system, which provides a quick and effective way to achieve financial freedom with amazing quick result.
- This program, you will learn to use a language that confirms positive results.
- It promotes self-confidence and helps you achieve your goal.
- You will feel the changes almost from the beginning. The system has helped many people around the world.
- This video provides an easy to follow guide that fantastic meditation that can give you the life-changing whole experience.
- You play on audio files at night while you sleep and drop them in your subconscious mind.
- Supernatural Wealth Frequencies.
- Body Stimulating Formula.
- A Millionaire’S Morning Rituals
- Overnight Millionaire System is a proven system that works for everyone.
- It is completely safe and effective and low costs that are available to everyone.
- This system can help you become a millionaire within a few months or even weeks.
- Use information from these sources to learn how to achieve your goals faster.
- This product provides a 60-day money back guarantee for customer satisfaction.
- It is available only online so you need an internet connection to get it.
- If you want to get good and effective results, you must follow the instruction regularly.

Overnight Millionaire System is highly recommended for everyone. It provides a lot of useful information that will help get wealth. It can immediately to create huge profits short time. This program is easy to follow with clear instructions on how to achieve your business goals. It is surely one of the best ways to create your personal wealth. It comes with a 60-day money back guarantee for customer satisfaction. So do not miss this opportunity. Grab it before the offer ends.
Alfa Scalper Review-Is this Alfa Scalper Really Works or Not?
Alfa Scalper Review – Does it really works or it’s just another hyped software? Read this Alfa Scalper Review to find out its features.
Product Name: Alfa Scalper
Author Name: Karl Dittmann
Official Website:
Alfa Scalper Review
Are you a novice forex trader? Have you ever heard about Alfa Scalper? Do you want to get the Forex market very quickly? You are the right platform. This review is for you. Everything you need and solve your issue. Get the knowledge you need in the Forex market and improve sales. This is a legal system that will support you increase your account amount. Make Alfa software a huge amount of money to show that trading signals are falling and rising to help you deal with them. Alfa Scalper is aimed at giving merchants with a reasonable chance of success at all levels in the currency market. This is one of the great solutions on the Forex market in the market and helps in trading on the Forex market. Knowing Karl Dittmann, the software collects a name that is respected in the world of commerce.
What is Alfa Scalper?
Alfa Scalper offers a rather unique M1 / M5 indicator that gives significant and fast outputs. This Forex system offers members direct activities to support them earn hundreds of pips a week, even if they are inexperienced. This system comes from the manufacturer Karl Dittmann. He created this tool after communicating with thousands of other traders and asked what they really need to develop their profits and reduce the risk.
This software is a special Forex index that has changed the lives of many beta testers. So, It offers the advice of members that we found surprisingly easy to understand and implement. According to our data, this system has been programmed using various trading algorithms, adapted by laser.
How Does Alfa Scalper Works?
In this review Alfa Scalper, it is worth noting that 2 people use the same system and can achieve completely hard results. So, Members who earn a lot of money often coincide with the trading plan, use fixed small rates and do not get emotionally involved. You can buy this software via the official link below. Interestingly, it is a 100% digital product, so you can get access to it at any time, day or night and easily connect with a selected Forex broker. They are protected by a secure and secure payment process, customer service and satisfaction with the product.
Benefits of Alfa Scalper:
- By teaching this method, you can test your demo account quickly and without risk.
- You do not have to worry about the losses you have experienced in other systems. So, Thanks to this system you can earn more money.
- Thanks to the strategy you will learn from this Alfa Scalper system, you can win $ 1,210 in a few moments.
- In the end, you can lose a lot of your credit card debt.
- So, you just set the strategy, you can even test your personal money for real money.
- With this Alfa Scalper method, you can make profitable transactions that allow traders to make regular payments on a regular basis.
- The Alfa Scalper software is useful by the average commercial broker without major issue. So, That way you do not have to be Snowden to know that.
- If you look at the reviews usually published on this type of software, So, you’ll see that they have a great accuracy rating.
- By ensuring timely alerts and simplifying transactions, it turns out that the time you spend is much larger than others.
- You not only get the best times to trade, but you just do it, you also have forex tips and tools that will give you even more advantages in this world of forex.
- It’s semi-automatic, So you’ll be notified that something is good for trading and you can respond.
- No matter how easy you learn, the material is a bit tight, but profit is worth every instruction you ask for.
- Alfa Scalper is available in Online Available only
As a result, we can conclude that this software is an excellent product and I’m sure you will recommend it to your friends. Price Alfa Scalper is nothing if we take into account advantage and bonuses. Before you finish your promotional price, you will become a happy, stupid man! Just click the button below to select Alfa Scalper and subscribe at a discounted price and receive a bonus. This software was very powerful in creating accurate trading signals on the Forex market but we must emphasize that a big step must be taken Alfa Scalper. So This system works for you!
Four Major Types of Forex Trading to Make a Profit
At first, trading for beginners seems to be a complex type of activity. To get a good profit or even turn it into a main source of income, a newcomer has to define what type of trading to choose. It is very difficult to select the appropriate type to start. If it sounds familiar, this article will be useful for you.
The Main Types of Trading
When you do not know where to start, then start from the beginning. This is a universal approach to any science. In the case of trading on the stocks, the approaches matter. Understanding the basics will save the new-born broker from copying dubious strategies, concluding on-the-fly trading deals, and unconscious actions that lead to money losses.
So what methods will make a confident Alpari India trader of you? Here are the basic ones:
1. Scalping (lasts for several moments). It is characterized by: Finding successful patterns; More than 10 transactions within a trading operation; The need to spend a lot of time near the monitor; Colossal load on the physical, nervous system; Conclusion of many transactions (100-200 daily), so it is more reasonable to use trading robots.
2. Intraday (lasts a day). It is defined by: Opening/closing of a transaction occurs within one day; Less stressful type of trading on the exchange; No more than 10 transactions throughout the day; Search for entry and exit signals; Knowledge of technical analysis.
3. Positional (lasts 1-7 days). It prescribes the following actions: A small number of transactions per week; Tracking news on the chosen direction, for example, company news, stock markets; Suitable for experienced traders; Requires the ability to find points for opening positions at large levels and their maintenance; Inactive trading style; Takes a minimum of time.
4. Investment/long-term trading (takes from 3 months to 3 years). It is defined by: The choice between short-, medium- and long-term strategies; The use of fundamental analysis is necessary; The entry point can be expected during several weeks or months; The amount of profit depends on the chosen instrument and strategy.
It is worth to mention that professional traders often combine several methods, for example, invest in companies for the long term, and the most optimal entry/exit points are sought within the day. However, it is important to choose one style of Forex trading, from which risk management, investment horizon, and tools will be selected.
What Method to Choose?
The choice of the optimal type of trading is an individual matter. Many factors must be taken into account, including the experience and temperament.
Going through the types of trading, many beginners select scalping. They are attracted by the simplicity of this approach and the rapid completion of transactions. In fact, scalping requires a lot of effort and attention. A trader must constantly monitor market movements throughout the day. A large number of transactions with an unprofessional approach leads to a large number of errors, which causes loss of money. Therefore, novice traders are not recommended to do scalping.
The intraday approach also requires stress-resistance from the trader. Proper construction of the trading system and strict adherence to its rules are of great importance.
Positional trading is the choice of mature conservative traders who are attracted by decent profitability with relatively small risks. This method does not require constant monitoring of the market. As a rule, it is enough to spend up to one hour a day for it.
Investment requires to have excellent knowledge of the market, use the fundamental and technical analysis, the ability to competently manage investments and, of course, great patience. This type of exchange trading does not bring quick results, but in the long term, it allows you to make a good profit.
In any case, success in the world of finance is achieved only if sufficient knowledge and trading skills are developed. The fastest way to get all this is to get trained by professionals.
The above content is sponsored content provided by an advertiser. To learn more about sponsored content, click here.
The Main Types of Trading
When you do not know where to start, then start from the beginning. This is a universal approach to any science. In the case of trading on the stocks, the approaches matter. Understanding the basics will save the new-born broker from copying dubious strategies, concluding on-the-fly trading deals, and unconscious actions that lead to money losses.
So what methods will make a confident Alpari India trader of you? Here are the basic ones:
1. Scalping (lasts for several moments). It is characterized by: Finding successful patterns; More than 10 transactions within a trading operation; The need to spend a lot of time near the monitor; Colossal load on the physical, nervous system; Conclusion of many transactions (100-200 daily), so it is more reasonable to use trading robots.
2. Intraday (lasts a day). It is defined by: Opening/closing of a transaction occurs within one day; Less stressful type of trading on the exchange; No more than 10 transactions throughout the day; Search for entry and exit signals; Knowledge of technical analysis.
3. Positional (lasts 1-7 days). It prescribes the following actions: A small number of transactions per week; Tracking news on the chosen direction, for example, company news, stock markets; Suitable for experienced traders; Requires the ability to find points for opening positions at large levels and their maintenance; Inactive trading style; Takes a minimum of time.
4. Investment/long-term trading (takes from 3 months to 3 years). It is defined by: The choice between short-, medium- and long-term strategies; The use of fundamental analysis is necessary; The entry point can be expected during several weeks or months; The amount of profit depends on the chosen instrument and strategy.
It is worth to mention that professional traders often combine several methods, for example, invest in companies for the long term, and the most optimal entry/exit points are sought within the day. However, it is important to choose one style of Forex trading, from which risk management, investment horizon, and tools will be selected.
What Method to Choose?
The choice of the optimal type of trading is an individual matter. Many factors must be taken into account, including the experience and temperament.
Going through the types of trading, many beginners select scalping. They are attracted by the simplicity of this approach and the rapid completion of transactions. In fact, scalping requires a lot of effort and attention. A trader must constantly monitor market movements throughout the day. A large number of transactions with an unprofessional approach leads to a large number of errors, which causes loss of money. Therefore, novice traders are not recommended to do scalping.
The intraday approach also requires stress-resistance from the trader. Proper construction of the trading system and strict adherence to its rules are of great importance.
Positional trading is the choice of mature conservative traders who are attracted by decent profitability with relatively small risks. This method does not require constant monitoring of the market. As a rule, it is enough to spend up to one hour a day for it.
Investment requires to have excellent knowledge of the market, use the fundamental and technical analysis, the ability to competently manage investments and, of course, great patience. This type of exchange trading does not bring quick results, but in the long term, it allows you to make a good profit.
In any case, success in the world of finance is achieved only if sufficient knowledge and trading skills are developed. The fastest way to get all this is to get trained by professionals.
The above content is sponsored content provided by an advertiser. To learn more about sponsored content, click here.
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